Tutorial Contents Tutorial Three: Propositional Calculus: Tableaux - The Sentence Tableaux Rules - Testing Arguments for Validity - Sequents - Syntactic Sequents - Semantic Sequents - Soundness and Completeness - Correctness of Sequents and Validity of Arguments
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Exercise 3.1



Which of the following sequents is correct? Where the sequent is incorrect, give a counterexample.
¬[P®Q] |= [¬P®Q]
¬[P®Q] |= [P®¬Q]
[P®Q] |= ¬[P®¬Q]
[P®Q], [R®Q] |= [[PÚR]®Q]
[[P®Q]Ú [R®Q]] |= [[PÚR]®Q]
|= [[P®Q]«[¬P®¬Q]]
|= [[P®Q]«[¬Q®¬P]]
[PÙ¬P] |= Q
Q |= [P®P]



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