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 Exercise Six: 6.1 - 6.2 - 6.3
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Exercise 6.2



Using the following interpretation:


Domain: everything in 12 Main Street, Anytown


a: John


b: Mary


Mx: x is a man


Wx: x is a woman


Lxy: x likes y


Hx: x is human

to formalise the following:


The man likes Mary


The person who likes Mary everyone likes.


The man who likes Mary likes the woman who likes John.


John is the man who likes everyone.


There is no such person as the man who likes everyone.


If John is the man who likes everyone, he likes Mary.


Something exists.


12 Main Street, Anytown is not empty.


There are at least two things.


There are exactly two things.


Using the following interpretation:


Domain: People and colleges


Ux: x is an undergraduate


Cx: x is a college


Px: x is reading Philosophy


Ex: x is reading Economics


Mxy: x is a member of y


Txy: x is one of y's tutors

formalise the following:


Every undergraduate has a tutor


No tutor has a tutor


Some undergraduates have more than one tutor


No undergraduate is a member of more than one college


Some members of different colleges share a tutor


Some members of different colleges share a tutor


Every college has both Philosophy and Economics undergraduates


Using the same interpretation as in question 2, translate the following into English. (Try to make the English as natural as possible.)














$x[["z[Pz®Txz]Ù"y["z[Pz®Tyz]®y=x]]Ù "z[Ez®¬Txz]]




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