Tutorial Contents Tutorial Two: Propositional Calculus: Language - Truth Functors - The Propositional
- "Implicate" -
Stand-alone sentences - Scope
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Exercise 2.2



Which of the following are truth functors? Where the expression is a truth-functor, what is its truth-table? Where it is not a truth-functor what is its partial truth-table? (A partial truth-table is a truth-table in which some rows have a "?" in them; in these cases, think of pairs of examples to show that sometimes the resulting sentence will be true in these cases and sometimes the resulting sentence will be false.)


j or y or both.
It is true that j
It is a necessary truth that j
It could have been the case that j
j, but not because y
It is true that j or it isn't
j, but grass is not green
j, whether or not grass is green
Everyone knows that it is true that j or it isn't



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