is perhaps ambiguous. We could translate it thus:
"x[x likes John ®
x is a woman], or (equivalently) "x[¬x
is a woman ® ¬x likes John]
¬$x[x likes John Ù
¬x is a woman]
that these translations will be true if no one likes John.
If one thinks that the original implies that some women do like
John, one will need to add something to that effect: e.g. $x[x is woman Ù
x likes John] . Actually it will be enough to add something which
says that something likes John (e.g. $x
x likes John, or ¬"x
¬x likes John), because, of course, if something likes John and
nothing apart from women do, it will follow that some woman does.
So here are alternative translations which imply that some woman
likes John.
["x[x likes John ®
x is a woman] Ù ¬"x¬ x likes John]
[¬$x[x likes John Ù
¬x is a woman] Ù $x x likes John]